Contribute to QuantEcon.jl

If you’d like to contribute to QuantEcon.jl, a good place to start is the project issue tracker. Those who are new to Julia programming should look out for the tag, indicating tasks that are a good entry point to contributing.

General Information

As a programming language, Julia is still new and thus some aspects of the language are still evolving. As a result there may be some changes from time to time in styles and conventions. The upside is that it is fast and quickly being adopted by the broader scientific computing community. The Julia style guide is a good starting point for Julia programming conventions.

Writing Documentation

Julia is currently undergoing a decision process for standardization with regards to documentation. This issue is tracking this discussion. Once a decision has been made and formalized a QuantEcon style guide will be updated to assist Julia contributions.

Writing Tests

One prerequisite for contributions to QuantEcon.jl is that all functions and methods should be paired with unit tests to verify that they are functioning correctly. A guide to writing tests in Julia is currently in work.