Workshops and Seminars

May 2025, International Monetary Fund

Open source scientific computing environments built around the Python programming language have expanded rapidly in recent years. They now form the dominant paradigm in artificial intelligence and many fields within the natural sciences. Economists can greatly enhance their modeling and data processing capabilities by exploiting Python’s scientific ecosystem. This course will cover the foundations of Python programming and Python scientific libraries, discuss their connection to economic applications, and also investigate how Python is being used as the major language of AI.

November 2024, Reserve Bank of Australia

Several important new scientific computing environments have appeared in recent years, generated by demand from and investment in artificial intelligence. This workshop will provide a brief overview of these environments and their features, including automatic differentiation, parallel computing, and just-in-time compilers. We will discuss how these tools can be applied to a range of economic applications. When possible, attendees should bring laptops to the seminar.

August 2024, University of Melbourne

Several new open source scientific computing environments have appeared in recent years, generated by demand from and investment in artificial intelligence and related fields. Economists can greatly enhance their modeling and data processing capabilities by exploiting these new computational tools. This workshop will provide a brief overview of core topics, including automatic differentiation, parallel computing, and just-in-time compilers. We will discuss how these tools can be applied to a range of economic applications.

May 2024, Central Bank of Chile

Open source scientific computing environments built around the Python programming language have expanded rapidly in recent years. They now form the dominant paradigm in artificial intelligence and many fields within the natural sciences. Economists can greatly enhance their modeling and data processing capabilities by exploiting Python’s scientific ecosystem. This course will cover the foundations of Python programming and Python scientific libraries, as well as showing how they can be used in economic applications for rapid development and high performance computing.

March 2024, International Monetary Fund (Institute for Capacity Development)

Open source scientific computing environments built around the Python programming language have expanded rapidly in recent years. They now form the dominant paradigm in artificial intelligence and many fields within the natural sciences. Economists can greatly enhance their modeling and data processing capabilities by exploiting Python’s scientific ecosystem. This course will cover the foundations of Python programming and Python scientific libraries, as well as showing how they can be used in economic applications for rapid development and high performance computing.

October 2023, International Monetary Fund

This workshop will give an overview of Python’s high performance computing capabilities and how they can be used for economic modeling. We will cover JIT compilers, automation differentiation, cloud computing and GPUs. Attendees should bring their own laptop, but no software installs are necessary.

October 2023, Columbia University

This workshop will give an overview of Python’s high performance computing capabilities and how they can be used for economic modeling. We will cover JIT compilers, automation differentiation, cloud computing and GPUs. Attendees should bring their own laptop, but no software installs are necessary.

April 2023, Kobe University

Computational methods and scientific computing are becoming increasingly central to research, analysis and policy work in economics, finance and social science. This is an introductory workshop for students and policy makers who are interested in learning about the evolution of modern scientific computing tools and how they can be applied to economic problems. The main language used in the workshop will be Python, although other languages will also be discussed. Topics will include simulation, vectorization, JIT compilers, and parallelization.

April 2023, Nagoya University

Computational methods and scientific computing are becoming increasingly central to research, analysis and policy work in economics, finance and social science. This is an introductory workshop for students and policy makers who are interested in learning about the evolution of modern scientific computing tools and how they can be applied to economic problems. The main language used in the workshop will be Python, although other languages will also be discussed. Topics will include simulation, vectorization, JIT compilers, and parallelization.

April 2023, Keio University

Computational methods and scientific computing are becoming increasingly central to research, analysis and policy work in economics, finance and social science. This is a workshop for students and policy makers who are interested in learning about the evolution of modern scientific computing tools and how they can be applied to economic problems. The main language used in the workshop will be Python, although other languages will also be discussed. Topics will include simulation, vectorization, JIT compilers, and parallelization.

September 2022, Central Bank of Chile

This is the homepage for the QuantEcon scientific and high performance computing workshops to be held at the Central Bank of Chile in September 2022.

September 2022, Center for Research in Economics and Statistics (CREST), Paris

  • Presenters:  Edouard Challe, Beatrice Cherrier, Alfred Galichon, John Stachurski, Pablo Winant
  • Website

July 2022 , Research School of Economics, ANU, Canberra

  • Presenters: John Stachurski
  • Website

April 2019, Department of Industry, Innovation and Science

  • Presenters: John Stachurski, Natasha Watkins
  • Website

May 2018, University of Copenhagen

  • Presenters: John Stachurski, Natasha Watkins
  • Website

March 2018, ANU Honours Workshop

  • Presenters: Thomas Sargent, John Stachurski, Fedor Iskhakov, Natasha Watkins, Sophie Stearn
  • Website

September 2017, US PhD Workshops series

  • Presenters: John Stachurski, Matthew McKay, Chase Coleman, Victoria Gregory, Natasha Watkins
  • Website

August 2017, Australian National University, Australasian Macroeconomics Society (AMS)

  • Presenters: John Stachurski, Matthew McKay, Natasha Watkins
  • Website

August 2017, University of New South Wales (UNSW)

  • Presenters: John Stachurski, Matthew McKay, Natasha Watkins
  • Website

June - August 2017, The University of Chicago, Becker Friedman Institute

  • In collaboration with the Open Source Macroeconomic Laboratory at the University of Chicago
  • Presenters: John Stachurski
  • Website

March 2017, Reserve Bank of Australia & Reserve Bank of New Zealand

October 2016, University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City

October 2016, National University of Singapore

October 2016, Keio University

June 2016, JuliaCon, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

  • Presenter: Thomas Sargent

June 2016, North American Summer Meeting of Econometric Society

May 2016, Chicago Federal Reserve

March 2016, Rice Unversity, Department of Economics

  • Presenters: Thomas Sargent, Chase Coleman